Angel Investors?

Christian Media Powerhouse Calls All Hands in Latest Round of Fundraising

If you put your money in a savings account, you’re going to get less than half of one percent APY. Even if there was no such thing as inflation, that would still be laughable. As is, you’re losing quite a bit of money if you park a lot of cash there.

If you put your money into a high-yield online-only bank, you can do a bit better – 4 or 5%, say. This money can often be liquid, so it’s not a terrible place to hold some cash while you wait… But your money isn’t doing a whole lot of work for you there, even if it isn’t dying to inflation.

If you put your money in the stock market, it can be highly risky, depending on how you invest, but with a properly diversified portfolio or mutual fund, you can reliably make an annualized 11 or 12%.

Not bad. But there is an industry that offers its investors a 20% preferred return:

The movie business.

Yes, there is still a very real risk here, but the risk isn’t as great as you might think. Big box office bombs grab the headlines for how much money they lose, but professional powerbrokers and financiers are savvier than we like to give them credit for, no matter how bad a major studio’s showing might be. Completion bonds, performance bonds, and other forms of insurance make it difficult to lose your shorts investing in a major motion picture from one of the big studios.

The problem? Paramount isn’t taking your calls right now, and Sony only wants your money if you are buying a ticket. No matter how much you’d like to invest in the next Marvel movie, you simply can’t.

But one faith-based studio and distributor is changing all of that…

Fun Fact
(In Partnership with Fidelitas)

Did you know the brains behind Sent To Win run a full-service marketing and PR agency? If you need help scaling your business profitably, you need to connect with Fidelitas.

Fidelitas has been helping small businesses, churches, non-profits, publicly traded companies, and even professional sports teams win for over 16 years. Fidelitas leads by serving as a Strategic Partner and prides itself on producing measurable results for its clients.

Check them out here or email [email protected] to connect directly with the CEO.


Football Season, Market Watch, and Christian Orgs Sue IRS

Football Season

Football Season

The NFL regular season officially began on Thursday, with the Baltimore Ravens clashing with the Kansas City Chiefs, kicking off an ever more ambitious economic agenda. The NFL’s 32 teams generated a combined $20 billion last year, more than the entire MLB, and they have plans to grow those numbers. Well-recognized as a uniquely American sport, the NFL has been trying to grow its appeal among international audiences for a while now, perhaps jealous of the billions generated by the soccer market in Europe and around the world…

Market Watch

Market Watch

The stock market rebounded early this week after heavy losses late last week, driving the major indices to near-record levels once again. Strong signals of a long-awaited rate cut seem to indicate that the Fed will finally cut rates at least 25 basis points, and perhaps even 50, as Powell says “the time has come” to start changing…

Christian Orgs Sue IRS

Christian Orgs Sue IRS

A group of Christian broadcasters are suing the IRS over the “Johnson Amendment” – a tax law that prevents non-profits from endorsing or opposing political candidates. The argument says that since certain newspapers, such as the Philadelphia Inquirer, now operate as non-profits yet are allowed to endorse candidates, churches and religious organizations should be allowed to, too. Despite the Trump Administration's efforts to repeal the Johnson Amendment back in 2016-2017, it remains in effect…

Sunday School

Sunday School

Your weekly chance to test your Bible knowledge! The answer to today’s question may surprise you:

Q: Ancient Christian art associated a different creature with each of the four gospels. Do you know what they are?

Answer at the bottom


“While I think we can all agree that you gave a very compelling presentation, it is still the unanimous opinion of this board that the magic beans are a bad investment.”


How to Build an Advisory Board

It’s no great shock to say that no one can be an expert in everything. But for some reason, as highly competitive entrepreneurs, sometimes we can feel like we aren’t allowed to ask for help. Or, for some, they don’t feel like they have a ready source of information and experience near at hand when it is needed. For whatever reason, the urge to do it all on our own can be very strong.

What can help overcome the awkwardness, uncertainty, and indecision of trying to find answers outside of your expertise is simply having a structure. If you haven’t done so already, build an advisory board. Far from being an imposition, if you ask the right people, they may even feel honored that you asked. This way, not only do you have access to filling in the gaps in your expertise and gaining wisdom before making big decisions – you also have a group of people that you respect who expect you to give a report and will keep you accountable.

Here’s how to set up an advisory board…

Quick Hits ⏱️

Quick Hits ⏱️

Sunday School Answer:

A: Matthew is represented by an angel, because his gospel emphasizes Christ’s humanity. Mark is represented by a lion, because it emphasizes Christ’s kingship. Luke is represented by an ox, because it emphasizes Christ’s sacrifice. John is represented by an eagle, because his gospel “sees from above.” For more background information on the tetramorph (these four symbols), check out this article.